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Praying For Our Leaders…Regardless Of Your Opinion Of Them!

August 30, 2009

obama_crying_wideweb__470x352,0You know Anointed Vessel readers  I have told you all more than once that I am an equal opportunity offender.  I am not Democrat,  Liberal,  or Republican.   I am a  Born Again,  Servant of the Most High God, and it is my relationship with God that comes before politics.   Now I must say,  it is not hard to see (by my previous posts), that I am not happy with the current administrations race toward nowhere fast, and I was not pleased with the Bush dynasty either.  However;  let this be made very clear…As a Christian, I follow the rules of the Bible, and it is very clear we are to submit to those that have rule over us,  pray for those in leadership,  and obey the laws of the land.  Nowhere in the Bible did I see where we are to wish death,  and destruction to our leadership,  I live in America, and I do not wish harm to my leaders.  I pray that they walk in the wisdom of God so that I may continue to be blessed and enjoy the freedom and comfort that I do now.   Unfortunately,  there are some that  have decided to turn their tongues against our leaders and wish *death upon them,  in doing so,  they have severely sidestepped the principles of our faith as set forth in the Bible, and have endangered their very lives by incurring God’s wrath on them for such  a foolish act.   Such a shameful example of this is Pastor Steven Anderson in the following video.  In the video he is heard saying the following:      “I am not going to pray for his good. I am going to pray that he dies and goes to hell.”  Quote by Pastor Steven Anderson

 *(Hell=eternal death).


 I urge … that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for everyone — for kings and all those in authority. 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Here is a Blog Post that I thought everybody should read, it changed my attitude tremendously!  And No I still Don’t agree with Obama-nomics or everything President Obama says (don’t get it twisted folks) but I respect the man and I follow the word of God.

Joel HillikerColumnist
Why We Should Pray for the President
January 21, 2009 | From

All hail the chief.

For the past eight years, liberals have ridiculed and maligned America’s president. Now, many who call themselves conservative are eager to dish some of that punishment back.

That would be a mistake. It wasn’t right before—it wouldn’t be right now.

Perhaps it seems un-American to make such a statement. One of this nation’s founding principles was that people should be critical of the government. The ability to disparage the authorities is viewed as a benchmark of a nation’s freedom.

Did you ever look the subject up in the Bible? Does God encourage us to disparage the government under which we live?

No—in fact, God demands that every American citizen respect the office of our new president, Barack Hussein Obama.

“You shall not revile God, nor curse a ruler of your people” (Exodus 22:28, Revised Standard Version). Why would God link reviling Him—that is, esteeming Him lightly, making jokes about Him or treating Him with dishonor—with cursing a “ruler,” or public official? Because cursing government officials reflects derision toward government and authority in general—and that can certainly infect our attitude toward God, the ultimate authority. For evidence, we only need consider how our society resounds with reviling and cursing of both the government and God.

The command in Ecclesiastes 10:20 goes even further: “Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber ….” So God is concerned not only with what comes out of our mouths, but also what goes on in our minds, regarding our rulers. (See also Job 34:18.)

Cursing rulers, speaking ill of the government, even disparaging rich business leaders—these are hallmarks of American democracy. Our media are filled with buffoonish caricatures, smart-alecky skits and crass jokes, all relished as signs of healthy public discussion about our leaders. On top of that, any mistake the president or other public official makes, the press and public attack with piranha-like ferocity.

The biblical view regarding proper treatment of governing officials is founded on the truth contained in Romans 13:1: “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” Accomplishing His will through a variety of physical means, God ordains people into worldly offices. All power comes from Him. (See also Daniel 4:17.)

The passage in Romans 13 shows that God judges those who resist the leader He has installed (verse 2). A Bible-believer’s duty, then, is to submit to authorities and respect their physical offices. It is a form of submitting to and respecting God Himself. One who follows the Bible should be a model citizen. (If a human command conflicts with God’s law, however, we must obey God—and then submit to the punishment; Acts 5:29.)

In 1964, reflecting on the events surrounding John F. Kennedy’s recent assassination, Herbert W. Armstrong wrote, “God’s Word teaches us to have respect for authority. There can be no power, except as God allows. The Bible does not teach that this world’s governments are righteous, or representing God. But, so long as God allows them to wield an authority He established—even though they wield it contrary to His laws—to disrespect the government is to disrespect God.”

Yes, politicians can abuse their authority, enact misguided policy, and serve themselves or some evil purpose. Still, the office is ordained of God! Thus, we should honor that office. Though God despises abuses and corruption in leaders, it is He who will judge those leaders, not you or me.

It is true that godly men and women throughout history have had to criticize governing officials, to tell them their sins—even on commission from God. But even that, to be in keeping with the divine law, should be done with respect for the office. In the Trumpet, you will certainly read criticism of the government’s policies, but we endeavor never to take cheap shots or show personal disrespect for those filling those governing posts. You will never see demeaning caricatures in our publications.

Instead of undignified comments, here is what the Apostle Paul said we should say of our leaders: “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Timothy 2:1-2).

Of course, that doesn’t say we are to pray for President Obama’s success in enacting policies that are contrary to God’s law. It says we are to pray for him that we may live a quiet and peaceable life.

Joseph Farah, in an article this week called “Pray Obama Fails,” called this approach “soft-minded” and “misguided.” “I do not hesitate today in calling on godly Americans to pray that Barack Hussein Obama fail in his efforts to change our country from one anchored on self-governance and constitutional republicanism to one based on the raw and unlimited power of the central state,” he wrote. “I want Obama to fail because his agenda is 100 percent at odds with God’s. Pretending it is not simply makes a mockery of God’s straightforward commandments.”

Will God answer those prayers? If God intended to protect America from the damaging policies of which Farah speaks, wouldn’t it have been easier for God to prevent Mr. Obama from winning the presidency in the first place? An honest look at what is happening in and to this country—economically, militarily, morally, socially, spiritually—shows that we are suffering curses for our sins. Frankly, those curses are bound to intensify under an administration with more respect for its own self-made ideals than for the authority of Scripture. We should have no illusions about that—and you should expect to read plenty about those curses on this website in the time ahead.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that 1 Timothy 2 tells us to offer prayers and thanks for—not against—all those in authority, and it doesn’t contain the provision, “as long as their agenda matches God’s.”

What is God trying to teach us by telling us to respect the office and submit to and pray for our president and whoever else rules over us?

1 Peter 2:13 tells us to “Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake.” For whose sake? The Lord’s.

Why? So we learn to submit to government. It will be much easier to submit to a loving God if we learn to submit to a hard boss. We all must learn the lesson of submitting to government even if it is not being applied correctly.

Look at Christ’s example. He put Himself totally in His Father’s hands, knowing God was in control of everything. When He came before Pilate, He didn’t revile—He submitted Himself to that authority. He knew that Pilate had no power but what God gave him, and that everything occurs in accordance with God’s ultimate purpose (verses 22-23; John 19:10-11).

If we can learn this lesson of submitting to whomever God puts over us in this world, it will tremendously help us in our relationship with our heavenly Father. It will, in fact, prepare us for the Kingdom of God.

32 Comments leave one →
  1. Cindy Hailey permalink
    April 21, 2010 6:38am

    I just read your blog after doing a google on prayer for our leaders and I was truly blessed. I totally agree with you! It is sad that we live in a Country that it’s ok to curse our leaders and wish him death. I was irritated last night because my friends send me a couple e-mails regarding the President and it just made me sad to think wow my friends are Christians and this is what they think. I prayed for them because obviously hate is not the answer. Thank you! May God continue to bless you!

    • April 30, 2010 6:38pm

      glad you stopped by Ms. Hailey continue to pray and encourage others to do so, remember if our leaders sew bitter seeds we will also reap them. Instead of spite we must pray, and the strongest muscles a true child of God should have at a time such as this, should be in our legs from getting on our knees and getting back up.

  2. August 20, 2010 6:38pm

    Excellent post. Thank you for pointing us to the truth found in Scripture. If we prayed half as much as we criticized, whined, and complained, there’s no telling what would happen. Blessings.

  3. Amelia C. Bibera permalink
    October 26, 2010 6:38am

    Thank you for this post. A timely and Godly reminder for those times when we don’t like our leaders… God bless you.

  4. A-Stodd permalink
    January 8, 2011 6:38pm

    Such a good reminder for all Christians! Especially in this day and age where many individuals are using the Bible as a machine to drive their political oppositions and discrimination. Thank you for this post. May God bless you always and in all ways.

  5. jp122112 permalink
    April 26, 2011 6:38pm

    I found your site while looking for Bible verses that say we are to pray for our leaders, not curse them or pray against them as many are doing. Thank you for all you do in His name! May the LORD God continue to bless you!

  6. Scott Smith permalink
    May 23, 2011 6:38pm

    Thank you for these words, as a sinner redeemed by the grace of God through faith in Christ Jesus I am in complete agreement with you! It saddens me when I see the depth of hate being spewed by those who claim to have received such great unmerited favor from God. I do not agree with our President’s policy or agenda, but I am still commanded through God’s Word to respect him and pray for his submission to God.

    • June 24, 2011 6:38am

      Thanks for Stopping by Scott Smith your words of encouragement meant a great deal to me!

  7. August 9, 2011 6:38pm

    This just caught my eye and not to start a fight with my Christian brothers and sister but something to ponder:
    Question: Wouldn’t it have been easier for God to prevent Mr. Obama from winning the presidency in the first place? An honest look at what is happening in and to this country—economically, militarily, morally, socially, spiritually—shows that we are suffering curses for OUR sins. Frankly, those curses are bound to intensify under an administration with more respect for its own self-made ideals than for the authority of Scripture.

    • August 15, 2011 6:38pm

      Sure it would have been easier, Nothing is too hard for God, but then God gave us the ability to choose. His Perfect will is what he wants, but in his permissive will is where we end up most of the time. America is not in his Perfect will, that much is certain. We have strayed far from the biblical commandments and we know it. Regardless of who is in office God will hold that person responsible and all of us for walking all over his expressed commandments. Consider this, when Moses went to converse with God on the Mount, he left Aaron in charge, when he got back he saw that the people had turned to Idol worship, and had basically gone buck wild, now God saw all that happening, and could have prevented it but he didn’t. Was God wrong for doing so??? No, when we get grown enough or bad enough to judge God then we need our own Universe to govern.
      His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts….

  8. Paulette Clay permalink
    March 28, 2012 6:38pm

    Praise the Lord! I found your words to be exactly what I needed. My heart is so sad when I hear and see people who say they are Christians disrespect our government. I just continue to pray for them and continue to see that God is good all the time. Thank you.

  9. August 31, 2012 6:38am

    I just stumbled upon this post after searching for scriptures regarding our leaders. I wanted to find something about praying and respecting them no matter what or who they are. Thank you for this!! You have Truly helped me understand! May God continue to bless you and your ability to teach 🙂

  10. Anonymous permalink
    September 6, 2012 6:38pm

    You could not find a better picture of our President of the United States of America

    • January 19, 2013 6:38pm

      Sure but this picture went along with what I had to say, for those that hate him so much it showed his human side

  11. Anonymous permalink
    September 6, 2012 6:38pm

    You could not find a better picture of The President of the United States of America

  12. Casey Harris permalink
    September 10, 2012 6:38am

    Thanks for this blog. I was blessed by it, not because of what you said, but because you took a scriptural look at how we should be responding in these times. Thanks for taking the time to share what God placed on your heart.

  13. Anonymous permalink
    September 13, 2012 6:38pm

    We must be obedient to God’s word and follow his principals and laws for our good. I pray that President Obama and Staff be blessed with wisdom to run this Nation in God’s wisdom and for God to also bless them as well as all the other leaders in this Country, in Jesus name, God bless America.

    Thank you for this blessed post to bring enlightenment to all, Bless you.

  14. October 7, 2012 6:38am

    Thank you so very much for this post. I saw the link on another post and checked it out. I’ve been spinning resentments of my boss in my head all weekend. And, this post was ment for me to see by God . Such a fool I am to think like that. Monday I’m going to work and make my amends by helping him and do my best at work and have gratitude. Power of Prayer ! Thank You God,,,, we all have his DNA ya know

    • November 2, 2012 6:38am

      Thanks for stopping by….more importantly thanks for making up in your heart and mind to do the right thing

    • January 19, 2013 6:38pm

      Good for you! A changed mind is more valuable than a few cross words

  15. Debi Kuykendall permalink
    January 7, 2013 6:38pm

    I just came across your website, having Googles “biblical verses on praying for our leaders”. I am looking for verses to share in the Event I am starting in my FaceBook to “Pray for our President and his lovely wife and daughters SALVATION and protection and that he choose to follow Gods Lead”! I feel as though you and I are of the same mindset. I look forward to following you website. Thank you and God Bless!

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